Create a FOAF file

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Create an RDF file with FOAF, WOT, and trust information, like the sample below. Here is a sample in which Dave trusts Jason and Jeremy both 0.95 on the topic of internet-communication. Even if you aren't familiar with RDF, you can use this file as a base; just change the names, email addresses, fingerprints, and rating numbers.

Then sign it with GPG and submit it to a foafserver so the trust data can be used in the Konfidi system. If you're using gpg from the commandline, you can sign it with: gpg --detach-sign --armor foaf.rdf

All trusters and trusted people must have a PGP key and its fingerprint must be specified. Topics can be any URI, but we suggest using until a set of common topics is defined. (Currently the trustserver ignores everything up to the '#' in the topic URI)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!ENTITY topics "">
<rdf:RDF xmlns=""

<foaf:Person rdf:nodeID="me"> 
    <!-- these name and mbox values are optional -->
    <foaf:name>Dave Brondsema</foaf:name>

    <truster rdf:nodeID="me"/>
            <!-- foaf:name optional -->
            <foaf:name>Jason Roelofs</foaf:name>
            <topic rdf:resource="&topics;#internet-communication"/>

    <truster rdf:nodeID="me"/>
            <!-- foaf:name optional -->
            <foaf:name>Jeremy Frens</foaf:name>
            <topic rdf:resource="&topics;#internet-communication"/>